Arizona Pre-Primary Fundraising Reports Roundup

With congressional primaries on September 2nd in Arizona, the deadline for candidates to file their pre-primary reports with the FEC was tonight. SSP rounds up the numbers once again, so you don’t have to:

Note: All figures are in thousands, and cover the period from July 1st through August 13th. Sandra Livingstone has yet to file her report, but if and when she does, you’ll be able to find it here. (Update: Her report has now been filed.)

Some impressive numbers from Ann Kirkpatrick and Gabrielle Giffords, in particular. Despite the hype surrounding Tim Bee, I really like Giffords’ re-election chances.

7 thoughts on “Arizona Pre-Primary Fundraising Reports Roundup”

  1. after some great numbers early that doesn’t look so good.  he can self-finance a little i assume.

  2. I wonder if the Republicans have convinced themselves that it’s already a Democratic seat and it’s okay that their candidate stinks.

  3. It was my understanding that Minnesota candidates had to file on Wednesday. Why are their reports still not up?

    Our primary is on Sep 9. Halp SSP Poligods!

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